






Resource services are available in all 威尼斯官网在线 (威尼斯官网在线) and provide students with disabilities with the support they need to be academically successful in the general education environment.



小学学习及学业障碍(LAD) serves students who previously received considerable amounts of special education in the general education environment but require additional services in order to demonstrate progress toward Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and objectives. 选定的小学提供这项服务.



小学学习中心 (ELC) serves students through a continuum of services in self-contained classes with opportunities to be included with nondisabled peers in the general education environment. The services address the goals and objectives in the student's IEP while ensuring access to the general education curriculum through assistive 技术, 减少课堂, 差异化教学.



小学自闭症班是在综合性小学建筑内的独立教室. 这种模式的学生被诊断为自闭症谱系障碍 and need significant 学习 and social supports as a result of their disability. 教室提供了一个高度结构化的学习日和个性化的学习机会. 根据学生的长处和需要适当修改课程. 语言的发展一直受到重视, 社会技能, 学生的独立性. 教学过程以应用行为分析为基础.  学生可酌情与非残疾同学一起参与.



阿斯伯格症初级班设在综合小学大楼. 这种模式的学生被诊断为亚斯伯格症. The students function in the average to high average range of intellectual ability and receive instruction on the general education curriculum, 适当进行浓缩. 学生 have documented social and 行为 needs that have significantly interfered with their ability to participate in other educational environments, 尽管有各种特殊和个性化的支持. 最初, students receive their academic and social-skill instruction within the Aspergers classroom with an eventual goal of the student being included for the academics in the general education classroom. 自闭症工作人员, 与跨学科团队和校本辅导员合作, 在整个教学过程中整合社交技能教学和泛化机会. 社交技能组, 类的单位, 采用直接的个性化教学,为学生提供可接受行为的策略. 个人和课堂激励系统加强了在校期间适当的社会行为.



The Elementary Physical Disabilities services provides comprehensive supports to students with physical and health-related disabilities which cause a significant impact on educational performance in the general education class. 这些学生表现出运动发展和信息处理方面的需求.  为学生提供的服务包括特殊教育指导, 与任课教师协商, 以及职业理疗服务.



中学学习及学业障碍服务在威尼斯官网在线区内的所有中学均可提供. 这些服务是在一系列设置中提供的,这些设置可能包括自包含类的组件, 共同教授通识教育课程, 以及其他与非残疾同龄人一起参与的机会.




学生 receiving Gifted and Talented/Learning Disabled (GT/LD) services are intellectually gifted and demonstrate superior cognitive reasoning ability. 他们有影响阅读学术领域的教育障碍, 写作, 和/或数学. 经常, 学生在组织/执行功能方面受到影响, 社会情绪学习, 和/或关注. 他们通常有严重的生产问题,特别是在书面表达方面. 需要重要行为的学生, 情感, or social supports in order to access the curriculum may require services in a setting specifically designed to address those needs.


GT/LD服务为学生提供 有专门的指导,适应和便利的住宿 适当地获得加速和丰富的教学 严格的环境. 这包括实质性地获得加速 威尼斯官网在线教学指南中的丰富成分,并可能包括 在高级,荣誉或高级课程的安置. 而服务可以 不同的,由学生的IEP团队决定,学生在小学 GT/LD服务通常在一个独立的教室里接受指导 设置为学习日的大部分时间. 中学生通常是 被安排进高等通识教育课程,作为英语,数学, 科学和社会研究,并提供特殊的教育支持 合作老师或辅助教育者. 许多中学生也接受服务 通过一个GT/LDResource类. 



独立学习(LFI)服务是为有复杂学习和认知需求的学生设计的, 包括轻度到中度的智力障碍. 服务支持与课程2相一致的替代学术学习成果的实施.0.



学校社区计划(SCB) services are designed for students with severe or profound intellectual disabilities and/or 多重残疾. SCB服务包括以下部分:适合年龄的课程, 异质群体, 对等交互, 个性化的教学, 社区教育, 和过渡.



扩展计划服务于小学的学生, 初高中年龄认知障碍最明显, 多重残疾, 和/或自闭症. These are students with a prolonged history of requiring systematic 行为 supports and services to reduce self-injurious and/or disruptive behaviors. The goal of the program is to provide intensive educational programming to enable students to acquire appropriate social and communicative skills and prepare them for post-secondary opportunities.



行为和情感支持服务提供给表现出显著的社交能力的学生, 情感, 学习, 和/或行为困难对他们在学校的成功产生不利影响.  学生 are served in a continuum of settings that may include self-contained classes and opportunities for participation in general education classes with nondisabled peers 适当的.



Bridge梁服务提供给那些表现出重要的社交能力的学生, 情感, 学习, 和/或行为上的挑战,使其难以在大型学校环境中取得成功. 许多学生需要社会和情感上的支持才能进入他们的学术课程. Comprehensive behavior management is utilized that includes proactive teaching and rehearsal of 社会技能, 以及使用结构一致的加固系统.



中学自闭症Resource服务中心设在综合中学大楼. 这种模式的学生被诊断为自闭症谱系障碍. These students are accessing the general education curriculum and are participating in Mod-MSA; specifically, 这些学生大约比年级水平低两到三年. 学生 have documented social and 行为 needs that have significantly interfered with their ability to participate in other educational environments, 尽管有各种特殊和个性化的支持. 学生 are included in all academic classes in the general education environment with accommodations for reduced work load and altered pacing of instruction, 适当的.



The Secondary 自闭症 Program classes are self-contained classrooms in comprehensive middle and high school buildings. 这种模式的学生被诊断为自闭症谱系障碍 and need significant 学习 and social supports as a result of their disability.  根据学生的长处和需要适当修改课程. 语言的发展一直受到重视, 社会技能, 学生的独立性. 除了, the students are provided with community-based instruction and in-school prevocational tasks (middle school) or community based vocational tasks (high school) in order to prepare them their eventual transition to adult services.



中等亚斯伯格症班设在综合的初中和高中大楼里. 这种模式的学生被诊断为亚斯伯格症. The students function in the average to high average range of intellectual ability and receive instruction on the general education curriculum, 适当进行浓缩. 学生 have documented social and behavior needs which have significantly interfered with their ability to participate in other educational environments, 尽管有各种特殊和个性化的支持. 学生被包括在通识教育的所有学术课程中,并为他们的社会提供支持, 行为, 组织需要. 除了他们的学术课程, 学生们每天都参加一个以社交技能为重点的学生强化班.



DHOH的服务对象是5-21岁的失聪和听力障碍学生. Comprehensive center-based programs are located in the 罗克维尔市 cluster and provide the most intensive services addressing critical language and communication needs through the use of Total Communication, 暗示的演讲, 或听/说方法. Itinerant services are available in all 威尼斯官网在线 instructional settings and provide direct instruction to students as well as consultation to school staff members. 口译服务, 以及听力学服务和设备, 是否可提供以满足学生的个别需要.



Vision services provide services to students who are blind and visually impaired ages 5–21 in all 威尼斯官网在线 instructional settings. Teachers of the Visually Impaired deliver a range of services to these students including: consultation to school staff members regarding students’ vision needs; direct instruction in the expanded core curriculum (i.e. 盲文, 补偿技能, 技术, 功能性视觉的利用, Orientation and Mobility); provision of adapted materials and specialized equipment.
